
This is sort of a re-post from a few years back.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me”.

This was the quote we were taught to say when we were younger (I’m 50) when someone would call us names. We used to say it like a little kid, nanny nanny boo boo. In the mean time, we would walk a way with this feeling in our guts, this pain, these burning questions, why didn’t that work, or why do I still feel bad?

It’s because Words Are Powerful…Period.

Words cause our nervous systems to respond. They cause physiological and neurological responses in our bodies. Good words, bad words, and neutral words. More importantly are the meanings we give those words.

Ask yourself if you would talk to others the way you talk to yourself. Would you?  Do you speak highly to yourself or poorly?  Do you nurture yourself, or condemn or criticize? Are you forgiving and compassionate or judgmental and disappointed? Choose wisely your words to yourself and to others, they are part of the palette we use to paint our worlds.



